Underneath Him


Self conscious underneath him
Aware of the woman who came before
Long-legged, hollow-hipped
A stinging work of art – painted, framed,
and hung where I can see her
from the corner of my eye


She’s all but gone, and I am here
open, aching, breathless
underneath him.


I’ve dreamt of his eyes for so long and, finally, fixing mine on them, I see
I see what I am.
Second, third, fourth, fifth,
I am anything, but not the one.
I am not her.
I will never be her.


I shut my eyes and wish the stars would die
so I won’t be seen as not some other, dying
underneath him


The dam breaks and he surges from me –
a river forming tributaries mapping my thighs,
trickling to an empty death.
And here I lie in the ruins of his unrealized civilizations,
but underneath him.


2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Maryann

    Well, all I can say is:
    I am your sister

    March 10th, 2011

  2. admin


    March 10th, 2011

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